
How to enable hyper v on bluestacks
How to enable hyper v on bluestacks

how to enable hyper v on bluestacks

How Bluestacks can start when Hyper-V is enabled? You can start Bluestacks when Hyper-V is enabled in your Windows 10/11 computer if you are using Hyper-V compatible version of Bluestacks App Player like Bluestacks 5. Yes, Bluestacks can start when Hyper-V is enabled: After running registry, restart your computer and check if Bluestacks works for you. If the problem is still persist, you can download a registry file via ‘’ page opening on browser and double-click on it to run.

how to enable hyper v on bluestacks

Method 3: Disable Hyper-V using registry file To get this EXE file, you need to open ‘’ page in browser, and then run the EXE to disable Hyper-V in computer, and then check if the issue is resolved. You can also disable Hyper-V using a EXE file in your computer. Step 3: Once done, restart your computer and check if the issue is resolved. Step 2: In Windows Features window, find and uncheck the checkboxes relating to Hyper-V, Virtual Machine Platform, Windows Hypervisor Platform, and then hit ‘Ok’ button

how to enable hyper v on bluestacks

Step 1: Type ‘Turn Windows Feature ON or OFF’ in Windows Search Box and open it from results appear One possible way to fix the issue is to check and disable Hyper-V feature in Windows PC. How to fix Bluestacks cannot start when Hyper-V is enabled in Windows 10/11? Method 1: Make sure Hyper-V and relating feature is disabled It is possible to fix the issue with our instructions. Also, you may need to disable all Hyper-V relating features in computer to fix the problem. This issue can be occurred if Hyper-V feature is really enabled in computer and in such case, you can disable this feature in order to fix the issue. This issue indicates you are unable to launch and run Bluestacks App Player in your Windows 10/11 computer. However, several users reported they faced Bluestacks cannot start when Hyper-V is enabled in Windows 10/11 computer. The current minimum requirements for the app player for Windows include Windows 7 or higher, 2 GB or higher system memory, 5 GB of hard drive space, administrator rights, and an Intel or AMD processor. This software virtualizes on Android OS, can be downloaded in versions for Windows 10 and MacOS. Bluestacks App Player allows Android applications to run on Microsoft Windows OS and macOS based devices. ‘Bluestacks’: Bluestacks is American company technology company known for Bluestacks App Player and other cloud-based cross platform products. ‘Bluestacks cannot start when Hyper-V is enabled’:

  • Fix Windows PC Issues with ‘PC Repair Tool’:.
  • How Bluestacks can start when Hyper-V is enabled?.
  • Yes, Bluestacks can start when Hyper-V is enabled:.
  • Method 3: Disable Hyper-V using registry file.
  • Method 2: Disable Hyper-V using EXE file.
  • how to enable hyper v on bluestacks

    Method 1: Make sure Hyper-V and relating feature is disabled.How to fix Bluestacks cannot start when Hyper-V is enabled in Windows 10/11?.‘Bluestacks cannot start when Hyper-V is enabled’:.

    How to enable hyper v on bluestacks